Wednesday, January 14, 2009

That's why she touches him

She knows who he is;
that's why she touches him.

I am nobody, so she leaves me

Rise & El Supremo

Terror & Ruben Anderson

Hanging Francis

Pirates in Love

Question of Balance

Opium Hello


KTV #4 Fall '91

#3 1991

20 Min. of K in Studio Show #4 1991

Monroe Hatcher Trio

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand)

Salabhasana (Locust Pose)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

No, milk is foamed and steamed for one reason and one reason alone, to enhance and elevate the sensory experience of coffee, and espresso in particular.

Hot milk with coffee is OK. It gets you somewhere, but does not at all compare to the texture and full rich mouthfeel of properly steamed and foamed milk.

Properly prepared milk is always foamed. Even if you don’t want any foam in the drink you want to foam the milk just slightly. Incorporating air into the milk improves and sweetens the taste. Milk that has not been foamed at all tends to taste flat and dull by comparison.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

--Thich Nhat Hanh

"If your motivation is to punish someone else
or to run after fame, glory, and power, you are
going to suffer a lot." 66

...looking into your intentions, you will discover
your deepest motivations. We have to identify
the source that motivates our actions every day.
A wholesome motivation will bring us well-being;
it can bring happiness to us and many other people.
An unwholesome motivation, will bring suffering
to us, our family, and many people in society. 68

Greed is based on ignorance. 69

We have misperceptions.
We think that if we can obtain certain things, we'll be happy.
But when we get them, we continue to crave and suffer. 69

It is important to look deeply into our deepest desire...

"If you create jealousy, anger, or frustration, you know it is not true love."

"Respect is the first ingredient of true love."--Thich Nhat Hanh

He is a determined revolutionary--not one who asks us to mount the ramparts
in anger, but rather a revolutionary of the human spirit, a revolutionary of
understanding and of love. viii

For millennia, inquiries into the subject of power have focused primarily
on the state's monopoly on violence, its proper legal use, and the legitimacy
and behavior of those who control it. x

A wholesome intention combined with a lucid mind is the prerequisite for genuine power. x

He asks us how we can make the claim to be powerful when we are not free from
the oppression of our anger or the scourge of our fear.
"...if your motivation is to run after fame, glory, and power,
you are going to suffer a lot.

--Thich Nhat Hanh

Middle English, from Anglo-French escorge, from escorger to whip, from Vulgar Latin *excorrigiare, from Latin ex- + corrigia thong, whip
13th century
1: whip ; especially : one used to inflict pain or punishment
2: an instrument of punishment or criticism
3: a cause of wide or great affliction

\vō-ˈli-shən, və-\
French, from Medieval Latin volition-, volitio, from Latin vol- (stem of velle to will, wish) + -ition-, -itio (as in Latin position-, positio position) — more at will
1: an act of making a choice or decision ; also : a choice or decision made
2: the power of choosing or determining : will
— vo·li·tion·al \-ˈlish-nəl, -ˈli-shə-nəl\ adjective